Jen's Pregnancy Diary: Week 28
This week was very busy with lots of meetings, both with more potential agency clients and with other birth professionals - building relationships. I am such a people person and love to have these chats. I also had a few short shifts with some clients needing some extra support with breastfeeding.
On Sunday we went to our local Panto “Beauty and the Beast”. We brought my Nan and she really enjoyed herself. It was fantastic. This is one of my favourite childhood films. Leon loved it, and got really into the spirit with the interactions. Seth is getting a little too old and too cool, so did not quite enjoy it as much (this may be the last year I’ll be able to convince him to go!) Afterwards we ordered a take away and chilled out together.
I had terrible Braxton Hicks that night. To the point I started timing them. For 2 hours they came every 6-11 minutes and some were very uncomfortable. I got down on all fours and did some gentle stretches and some spinning babies excerises. Paul rubbed my back and got me a hot water bottle. I texted Mim and Mary to bounce ideas off them. After about 3 hours things settled down. As they were much more intense that anything I have experienced before.
I called my GP the next day and went to her just to check all was ok. I told her baby had been tranverse (side lying position) during them and I felt she may now be OP (facing outwards instead of toward my back). My GP had a good feel and broke the news baba was not only facing out but she was also now Breech (or head up). She confirmed this with the doppler. I was a little gutted as none of my babies have been Breech at this point in my previous pregnancies, but I also know she still has lots of time to flip. GP thought perhaps it was the big movement that sent my body into spasm. She told me if I experienced them that intensely and regularly again to go into the Rotunda.
We ended the week with a wonderful 3d scan of our baby girl. I had a meeting with a client in the morning so I headed in ahead of Paul and the boys. We went to The Ultrasound Suite on Grafton Strret. It was a very professional set up and the sonographer was so warm and friendly. She did a full health check first, which was so reassuring. Baby is measuring a week more than dates but this is to be expected with my history of big babies.
Our little baby
She then started the scan in 3d. Baby was putting her arms up over her face and hiding. She also wouldn’t stay still and every time the sonographer tried to take a picture it was blurred as baby was moving so much. After a little while though we did get some lovely pictures. We watched our little girl play with her feet and hands, suck her thumb and move around. The boys loved seeing her as she looked like a ‘real baby’ rather than the normal scan photos. We confirmed baby is a little girl and skipped out on a high.
After the scan we got a treat (Leon got ice cream, Seth a Waffle and myself and Paul a crepe) and pottered around the shops a little. It was such a lovely day.
Next week I have an appointment in the Rotunda. It will be my first in the Semi Private clinic so I am eager to see their reaction to me wanting a VBAC, with a ‘big’ breech baby!
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What is Happening To Your Baby This Week
- Your baby is the size of a aubergine this week
- Your baby is starting to develop more fat on their body
- They may be able to see light as their eyesight is developing.
- This week your baby starts to settle down into the position they will be in when you are in labour with them (ideally this is with head facing downward,).
Week 28: What Might Be Happening To your Body
- Can you believe you are 6 months pregnant this week!
- You are starting into the third trimester this week
- You may have aches and pains this week - stretching, swimming, yoga and walking can all help. If it is really bad you could try wear a maternity support belt.
- You may notice Braxton Hicks this week. While this is perfectly normal, if they get stronger and more regular make sure you let your GP know
- Your breasts may start to leak this week as your body is preparing your baby's first food (colostrum).
Week 28: Pregnancy Tip
It is usually recommended to start counting kicks from this week. This is a very helpful way to ensure all is well with your baby. This website has really useful and up to date information about how to do this as well as a really helpful video: